Friday, April 2, 2010

Move along, nothing to see here

There has been many a time where I myself have discovered that the object of my affection has their attention otherwise occupied by someone else. I have no desire to be the other woman in such a situation and I also have no desire to try to win the guy over so that he'll dump his current squeeze in favour of me. Maybe it's also because generally speaking once I discover a guy has a girlfriend (whether or not there's an official title or just implied that is some sort of relationship), I suddenly lose interest.

It's odd, generally speaking I'm highly competitive. However, when it comes to trying to win over guys I tend to fade more into the background. Now, being the type of person I am, I'm sure a lot of it has to do with insecurities because generally speaking I view myself as being average. Knowing what I know about guys, I know that it's hard for me to compete with most girls because I'm average looking with the ability to clean up alright and turn some heads (if I have serious help with make-up and hair because I'm just not capable on my own). But yes, there are insecurities at play with this sort of thing - which is funny because the last few times I've been out at the bars I've actually been hit on. Go figure?

Anyways, my point is I don't understand why girls go for guys with girlfriends (or vice versa with guys going for girls with boyfriends). Why would you set yourself up for that sort of disaster? And if you have a history of pining over guys who are unavailable because of having a girlfriend...I think that says something. I feel it screams of being attention seeking and downright stupid. Not to say I've never done it, because it has happened. However, I certainly don't actively try to sway the guy if I know he has some other attachment.

Now, I happen to have a friend who tends to fall for guys who have girlfriends. It seems to be happening again. And I've warned her - yet again - that this is a bad idea. She seems to know it's a bad idea and then tries to say I do the same thing, before realizing she doesn't really have a case for herself.

Granted, when I do fall, I fall hard and fast and quickly become completely infatuated. However, there have only been two real examples of any of these infatuations lasting more than three months. And while I, like many other girls, will sit there analyzing every scrap of information I can to decide if the guy likes me, I also tend to be realistic about it as much as possible. Part of it is that I'm still trying to find a balance between the two extremes of "He totally doesn't even know I exist and could never in a million years feel the same" or "OMG HE DID THIS SO HE TOTALLY LOVES ME!!!!11!111!!!!"

I could never knowingly actively hit on some other girl's man. I would never be able to live with myself, because I would never want another girl to do that to me. Even cutesy teasing and semi-flirting with someone who is involved with someone else is something I find awkward at times.

Call me judgmental if you must, but in my view I just don't see what benefit it would have for me to put myself in that sort of position. All it would do would further torment me and if I did succeed, I'm a total class-less bitch who doesn't understand boundaries.

Just my two cents on the matter.